Saturday, July 26, 2014

Culo - "My Life Sucks And I Could Care Less"

Forget all the stories, rumors, lies and allegations you've ever heard about Culo:  the fireworks in the pit at shows, the sketchy financial dealings, the so-called "homophobic language," the fights, the drugs, the extraneous melodramatic bullshit.  It is all indeed bullshit, and none of that matters.  Strip it away, and what you are left with is (was?) a band that makes (made?) incredible hardcore punk.  Their magnum opus, "My Life Sucks And I Could Care Less" is an incredible high note to go out on if the band has indeed called it quits. 20 tracks of nonstop melodic rage, this is the sound of a party gone wonderfully out of control in the best way possible.  Think you outgrew hardcore?  Think again.  Chop a line and snort along with "On The Nod."  Get kicked in the face by the careening synth-punk of personal favorite "Sick, Sick, Sick" and tell me you're too cool for this.  The closing title track is an anthem, and if Culo really are dead and gone, it's a hell of a song to go out on.  Also included here are 4 bonus tracks that were supposed to be included on various compilations.  Delete those goddamn Of Montreal MP3's & make room for this bad boy.

Deranged Records 2013

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